

AXA Hong Kong and Macau understands education, especially risk education, is of the utmost importance to the young generation. A number of initiatives have been launched to educate youngsters on various aspects.

Business Case Competition 3rd Edition

AXA Foundation fully supported ‘Business Case Competition’ organised by Agorize Asia. The Competition invites university students to help find solutions to real-life business challenges, helping them better understand the business world and facilitating their future career development.


AXA Foundation is delighted to partner with Chinese YMCA in bringing around 200 underserved youth aged 10 to 15 to enjoy the exclusive dress rehearsal of KOOZA. The youth got inspired by the KOOZA story and had a memorable time interacting with the performers before the show opened to the public.

AXA Young Wizards Academy: Smart Planning Competition

In 2015-2017, we have fully supported SCMP Young Post and Posties to organise the “AXA Young Wizards Academy: Smart Planning Competition”, aiming to equip P.4 - P.6 students with core wealth management concepts. In 2017, 775 students from over 100 schools have enrolled to the competition while 70 of them were selected to attend the one-day workshop where participants could learn how to be a moneywise kid.