Feast smart: A nutritionist’s tips to healthy holiday eating!

Feast smart: A nutritionist’s tips to healthy holiday eating!

Feast smart: A nutritionist’s tips to healthy holiday eating!



2  Mins Read

As the Chinese New Year approaches, our tables will overflow with delectable dishes and drinks, tempting us into a season of indulgence. However, how can we fully savour these joys without the post-holiday regrets? Denise Tam, a certified holistic nutritionist, shares her tips on managing the festive feasting with a focus on balance and mindfulness.

Food Tips:

  • Pre- and Post-Feast Fasting: Consider incorporating fasting before and after the feast to balance your intake and reboot your metabolism.
  • Fibre and Protein First: Begin your meal with fibre-rich foods, and ensure that each meal includes an adequate amount of protein to promote satiety.
  • Boundaries and Portion Control: Set limits like allowing yourself one meal out per day or limiting the number of drinks consumed per week.
  • Skip Leftovers: Encourage guests to take leftovers home to avoid succumbing to the post-party temptations.

Alcohol Tips:

  • Probiotic Preparation: Before indulging in alcohol, consume probiotic-rich foods such as yogurt, kimchi, and kombucha.
  • Hydration is Key: Alternate alcoholic beverages with water, aiming for a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. Minimise intake before bedtime to promote better sleep quality.
  • Liver Support: Include liver-supportive elements like bitters, dandelion, milk thistle, and glutathione in your diet.
  • Cold Showers: Consider taking cold showers to boost circulation and aid in recovery.

Mindset and Mindfulness:

  • Peer Support: Find a ‘battle buddy’ to provide mutual support and help you stay on track with your health goals.
  • Mindfulness: Practise being present and intentional in your enjoyment, understanding the underlying reasons behind each choice.
  • Planning: Strike a balance between enjoyment and guilt, manage your emotions with gratitude, and maintain healthy boundaries to fully relish the festivities.

Source: Employee Benefits & Wellness Discovery January volume

This article is provided by Denise Tam, a certified holistic nutritionist.

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