Doctor answers: Why do you need VHIS?

Medical advantages of VHIS

Doctor answers: Why do you need VHIS?

Medical advantages of VHIS

Since the launch of the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (“VHIS”), the market has been flooded with all sorts of VHIS-certified plans from numerous insurance companies. While they embrace the new initiative, does the medical industry welcome VHIS with open arms? Dr. Alexander Chiu, Medical Director, Health and Employee Benefits of AXA Hong Kong and Macau, is here to share his opinion.

Q1. Which age group is VHIS best for?

“Although there are no statistics that supports the observation, young adults nowadays are indeed facing bigger challenges every day, which forces them to be desk-bound and work long hours. Their irregular diet also increases fat absorption and thus risk of chronic diseases.”

As an experienced medical doctor, Dr. Chiu reminds us that most medical conditions catch us by surprise. When you are officially diagnosed, it’s too late to seek medical protection. 

Therefore, no matter how old or healthy you are, it’s always wise to get yourself a medical insurance promptly!

Q2. It seems that Hongkongers in different age groups are facing different health problems? 

“You're right. Diseases of affluence caused by obesity and high blood lipids are very common amongst Hongkongers. In fact, one of every ten Hongkongers is a diabetic; 25% of Hongkongers aged 40 or above have high blood pressure; seniors aged 60 or above are also prone to degenerative diseases such as cataract, prostate enlargement and osteoarthritis. Not to mention patients with high blood pressure and diabetes have a higher risk of stroke and heart disease as well.”

It is apparent that our demand for medical services will continue to soar. Unfortunately, our public healthcare system won’t be able to catch up. 

Q3. Are chronic diseases currently rising in younger ages?

“Although there are no statistics that supports the observation, young adults nowadays are indeed facing bigger challenges every day, which forces them to be desk-bound and work long hours. Their irregular diet also increases fat absorption and thus risk of chronic diseases.”

Q4. If there are more chronic disease patients boosting medical needs, can VHIS provide sufficient protection for them then?

“It’s hard to say whether a medical insurance is sufficient or not because it differs from person to person. That said, thinking ahead and getting yourself and your family a medical protection is definitely beneficial."

VHIS has made medical insurance much more affordable to the public. Complemented by other insurance products, it will benefit even more customers.

Q5. VHIS can be paired with different insurance products. Can you share a few examples with us?

"Absolutely. AXA BetterMe is a brilliant example. Since it aims to raise awareness of physical health and wellness, it’s an ideal match with VHIS because together they make an all-round protection for customers.”

While VHIS covers medical expenses for stroke and heart disease treatments, AXA BetterMe takes care of the insured person’s post-treatment care and overall health afterwards. For instance, The "Nurse Hotline” provides health advice, support case management for critical illness, as well as help to locate specialist doctors in Hong Kong, so customers can receive appropriate treatment information as soon as possible. Revolutionising medical insurance products, the initiative offers flexibility for customers and encourages them along their health journey.

About "VHIS"

AXA WiseGuard Medical Insurance Plan
Smart Medicare
Everything you need to know about "VHIS"
