BetterMe Blog
[Ask Dr Chiu] Recognising the four key symptoms to safeguard large intestine health!

Early detection and treatment can cure many cases of colorectal cancer. However, early symptoms are often subtle and go unnoticed, leading to late-stage diagnoses. Understanding the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and preventions of colorectal cancer can help with early detection. Even if diagnosed, prompt treatment can accelerate recovery and prevent recurrence.

[Ask Dr Chiu] Understanding angioplasty surgery – Process, risks, costs, and post-op care!

Heart disease is the third leading cause of death in Hong Kong, with coronary heart disease being a major culprit. This condition occurs when cholesterol and fatty deposits build up on the inner walls of the coronary arteries, hindering normal blood flow to the heart. However, thanks to advancements in medical science, the mortality rate for coronary heart disease has been gradually declining. One of the treatments frequently mentioned is the ‘angioplasty’ procedure. This surgery can restore blood flow through the arteries, helping patients regain heart function. In this article, I will delve into the process, risks, costs, and post-operative care of angioplasty.

[Ask Dr Chiu] Know what to do during a heart attack and seize the critical rescue time!

A heart attack is an acute and severe heart condition that can cause permanent damage to heart tissue and even lead to death. In this episode, I will walk you through the causes and symptoms of a heart attack, teach you correct countermeasures, and outline preventative measures. Not only increase your survival chances, but also reduce the risk of long-term complications.

Superfood: The benefits of avocado, eating tips, and recipes!

Whether in vibrant salads or spread on sandwiches, avocados draw attention with their unique creamy texture and rich nutritional value. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats, avocados are particularly beneficial for heart health. This article delves into the nutritional value and health benefits of this superfood, offering tips on selection, consumption methods, and three recipes.

Superfood: The benefits of avocado, eating tips, and recipes!

Whether in vibrant salads or spread on sandwiches, avocados draw attention with their unique creamy texture and rich nutritional value. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healthy fats, avocados are particularly beneficial for heart health. This article delves into the nutritional value and health benefits of this superfood, offering tips on selection, consumption methods, and three recipes.